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The Babysitting Blog


A Guide for Teens and Tweens on Summer Babysitting Jobs

As the academic year winds down and the long, sunny days of summer arrive, many teens and tweens look for ways to fill their time productively while earning some extra ...

4 Things your Teen or Tween can do during March Break!

During March break, teens and tweens have the opportunity to engage in various productive activities that can be both fun and beneficial. Here are four suggestions to make the most ...
How do I prepare my child to babysit?

How do I prepare my child to babysit?

Preparing a child to babysit can be a challenging task for parents. Here are 5 tips for parents to help prepare their child to babysit: 1.Start with small responsibilities: Parents ...
Should Babysitters Follow a Child's Bedtime Routine?

Should Babysitters Follow a Child’s Bedtime Routine?

Babysitting can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. One of the most important responsibilities of a babysitter is ensuring that the ...
Back to School Babysitting Jobs

Back to School Babysitting Jobs

If you’re looking to get babysitting jobs during the school year, there are a few tips you should keep in mind. First, make sure you have a clear schedule and ...
Blog - 11 Real-Life Lessons about Babysitting

11 Real-life lessons about babysitting

1.Safety firstAs a babysitter, it’s your responsibility to ensure the safety of the children in your care. Keep an eye on the children at all times, especially when they are ...
blog - Healthy Summer Drinks for Kids Babysitters Can Serve

Healthy summer drinks for kids babysitters can serve

When it comes to healthy Summer beverages for children, there are a few options that can really quench their thirst. Here are some ideas to consider:WaterThis is the best option ...
blog - 9 Foods Babysitters Should Avoid Serving

9 Foods babysitters should avoid serving

HoneyBabysitters should avoid giving honey to children under 1 year old because it can contain spores of bacteria that can cause infant botulism, a serious illness that affects the nervous ...
blog - How mature must a babysitter be

How mature must a babysitter be?

If parents are still unsure about your experience level or suitability for the job, offer to meet with them and their children in advance. This will give everyone a chance ...
blog - The number one question parents will ask you before you babysit

The number one question parents will ask you before you babysit their children

As a babysitter, it’s not uncommon for parents to have a lot of questions before hiring a new babysitter. But there’s one question that stands out as the most important: ...

12 ways to make more money while babysitting children

As a babysitter, you have a great opportunity to earn extra money by taking advantage of various opportunities available. Here are some tips to help you make extra money while ...
blog - 9 steps babysitters should take to ensure a good relationship

9 steps babysitters should take to ensure a good relationship with the children and their parents

Babysitting can be an amazing first job, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility. One of the most important aspects of being a successful babysitter is building a ...
blog - Fun Facts About Babysitting

Fun facts about babysitting

Babysitting dates back to the early 1900s when women were hired to care for children while the parents worked or went out. Babysitting is one of the most popular part-time ...
blog - The most common complaints parents have

The most common complaints parents have about their babysitters

As a parent, you have a lot of responsibility when it comes to finding a babysitter. You want someone who is reliable, trustworthy, and capable of caring for your children ...
blog - Is babysitting for you

Is babysitting for you? The most pervasive problems babysitters may have

Babysitting is a rewarding job that can bring immense joy to families and children alike. It can also be a challenging job, as it comes with its own set of ...
blog - Child Poisonings

Child poisonings – what every babysitter needs to know!

According to Parachute Canada, approximately 4,000 Canadians die each year due to poisoning, it is the third-leading cause of unintentional injury hospitalizations for Canadian children aged 14 and under. Nearly ...
blog - 7 Proven Discipline Techniques

7 Proven discipline techniques babysitters must know!

1.Have a discussion with the parents prior to babysittingBefore babysitting for a new family, it is important to sit down with the parents and discuss their discipline techniques. Discipline techniques ...
blog - How important are references for a babysitter

How important are references for a babysitter?

As a new babysitter, it is very important to have good references. Every parent is looking for the best babysitter and references are really important for them to determine if ...
blog - 5 Best Ways to Find Babysitting Jobs

5 Best ways to find babysitting jobs

For some babysitters, finding a babysitting job can be difficult. Especially if you’ve just moved into a new place and you aren’t familiar with your neighbourhood.Here are some tips to ...
blog - Babysitting Siblings

Babysitting siblings… what you need to know.

Can my eldest child babysit their siblings?How do I know when my eldest child is ready to babysit their siblings?Is there a legal age for my children to stay home ...
blog - 33 Babysitting Qualities

33 Babysitting qualities – How many do you have?

1.RespectfulAs a babysitter, showing consideration and regard for someone or something is in fact showing admiration. Parents need a babysitter that will be respectful towards their children as well as ...
blog - what are easy and fun meals and snacks

What are easy and fun meals and snacks to give while babysitting?

Preparing meals can be quite a task while babysitting. Getting kids involved in making simple healthy meals and snacks can be fun! Always ask the parents which kitchen appliances you ...
blog - 15 Reasons to Love Babysitting

15 Reasons to LOVE babysitting

1.You become more responsible.Babysitters have a lot of responsibilities while on the job. They must make sure the children are safe and follow the parents’ instructions.2.Babysitting helps you develop friendships ...
blog - The 7 best babysitting games

The 7 best babysitting games that kids really want to play

Are you an awesome babysitter? The best babysitters just don’t supervise children, they play fun games with them so the children will always want them to come back! Before you ...
blog - Is my child ready to babysit

Is my child ready to babysit? 11 questions to ask yourself and your child

Many parents wonder when their child should start babysitting. When deciding whether or not your child is ready to babysit, parents should consider the following key questions: 1.Is my child ...
blog - Common questions parents ask a new babysitter at an interview

Common questions parents ask a new babysitter at an interview

What are the most common questions parents ask a new babysitter at an interview? During the interview, parents need to be convinced that they are making the right decision when ...